THEODORE R. JOHNSON is the son of Lynne and Will Johnson. His family on his father’s side settled in Saba in the 17th century. Theodore was born in Saba in January 1975. He left Saba in 1990 to finish his high school education in St. Maarten and continued his studies in Leiden, the Netherlands in 1993. Theodore completed a double masters degree there in law in 1998. After working in the Netherlands in the civil law notary field until 2003, he returned to the Caribbean and is currently working as a civil law notary in Aruba, where he lives with his wife and three children. This is his first book published.
CAROLINE MYRICK was born in the United States and is kin to the Simmons and Vanterpool lineages of Saba. She holds undergraduate degrees in Communication Studies and Linguistics; a Master's degree in English Linguistics; and a Ph.D. in Sociology. She has worked and volunteered with the Language & Life Project, a program that researches, documents, and celebrates language diversity, and provides information for public and educational interests. |